Poems from Sofia Miller

Like many of you, I've loved writing all my life. In fifth grade, I tried to write a novel for the first time... And never finished it of course. Since then however, I've written two one act plays, a few short stories here and there, attempted to finish a novel four times, and am now delving into poetry. I hope to learn more about myself and the process of writing by being active within this community. (And surprise, surprise, I'm writing another novel again! Sixth time's a charm?)
Music paints the scene when nothing is sung
I need no drums,
Just the steadily unsteady beat of my pulse
In the meanderings of my backyard,
I set a glass of ice water on the muddled glass table
Spreckled with rainspots and a splinch more than...
I think I was down to earth before I met you,
But you were never one for staying rooted.
You decided to craft the gravel I imprinted into...
Chalk dust
Flakes from my fingers to my eyes,
As I rub the to-dos into lashes
And stare at the checkboxes for yesterday
Open like a...
Five feet from the stop sign, scraped and shivering
From the streaks of air that buffeted
All the world but you.
You squatted on that...